Excerpts from flowers used in ivory

 Buds and flowers in Kbach Phni Voa
lt is hard to diflerentiate henveen leaves, buds,
and flowers of Khach Pllfll Voa and Kbach llhni Tes since
they hrix-e mztny of the same characteristics. Both arederived from naturzil Forms ofve;etation, ztlthougli KbacliPhni Voa is more Frequently modelled on vines and
creepers. Buds and flowers, modelled on natural forms,are used interchangnbly in either Kbach Phni Tes orKbach Phni V011 compositions. hBuds and flowers in Phni Voa are drawn in the
same way as those in Phni Tes. Examples of possibledevelopment and division are shown in figures 85-97.


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